
Notations: SiGN and LGN (DRAFT)

Status: DRAFT
Prescriptive or descriptive: descriptive (this standard attempts to describe existing conventions)

TODO: Create identifiers to distinguish the SiGN definition for cubes / normal puzzles / other puzzles.


Programs implementing a custom parser who wish to keep it as simple as possible should support reading and writing Simple General Notation (SiGN), defined at the end of the first section below as sign-alg.

Programs wishing to provide “full” algorithm should support Larger General Notation (LGN), defined at the end of the second section below as lgn-alg.

Definition Syntax

Definitions below use a variant of Backus-Naur form. Consider this example:

foo = "A"
bar = "1"
baz = "C" / "-D"
thing = foo bar /
        foo baz

Then the valid values for thing are "A1", "AC", or "A-D".

Design Goals

These standards aim to satisfy these goals:

This allows programs to interoperate easily by following the standards in a straightforward way.

SiGN Move Sequences

Base Move

The exact set of base moves depends on the puzzle. For cubes and “normal” twistypuzzles, we define base-move to be the following specific definition:

bare-move-family  = x / y / z / m / e / s / M / E / S
layer-move-family = U / L / F / R / B / D
range-move-family  = u / l / f / r / b / d / Uw / Lw / Fw / Rw / Bw / Dw

positive-int = [1-9][0-9]*
dash = "-"

base-move =
    bare-move-family /
    layer-move-family /
    positive-int layer-move-family /
    range-move-family /
    positive-int range-move-family /
    positive-int dash positive-int range-move-family

Other puzzles may define variants on this, but they must never contain whitespace or end in a digit.


Repeated Move

A repeated-move is a base-move with an optional suffix to indicate repetition.

prime = "'"
repeated-move =
    base-move /
    base-move prime /
    base-move positive-int /
    base-move positive-int prime /
    base-move "0"

The prime serves the purpose of a negative sign, indicating repetition of the inverse move.

SiGN Alg

A sign-alg is a sequence of moves written out with spacing between them:

single-space = " "
single-spaced-move-sequence =
    repeated-move  /
    repeated-move single-space single-spaced-move-sequence
sign-alg = single-spaced-move-sequence

Every lgn-alg can be expanded and normalized to a sign-alg.

Algorithms / LGN

Repeatable Unit

A repeatable unit is a unit that can be repeated without being wrapped in a repeatable unit itself.

(Definitions of group / commutator / conjugate are below.)

repeatable-unit = base-move /
                  group /
                  commutator /

Repeated Unit

This is similar to repeated-move above. In fact, every repeated-move is a valid repeated-unit.

repeated-unit = repeatable-unit /
                repeatable-unit prime /
                repeatable-unit positive-int /
                repeatable-unit positive-int prime

The same requirements as documented for repeated-move apply, except with units instead of moves.


TODO: document when white-space can contain newlines.

white-space          = single-space
repeated-white-space = white-space /
                       white-space repeated-white-space

sequence = "" /
           repeated-unit /
           repeated-unit repeated-white-space sequence


optional-white-space = "" / repeated-white-space
embedded-sequence = optional-white-space sequence optional-white-space
group = "(" embedded-sequence ")"

The following identities hold:

Conjugate and Commutator

conjugate = "[" embedded-sequence ":" embedded-sequence "]"
commutator = "[" embedded-sequence "," embedded-sequence "]"

The following identities hold:


A general LGN algorithm is anything that is a valid sequence.

lgn-alg = sequence



Axis Puzzle Rotations

There are 6 axis puzzle rotations: x, x', y, y', z z',

Axis Puzzle Rotation Directions

This is best defined using an example: x moves “like R” means that means that x rotates the entire puzzle using the same rotation transformation that the R layer moves during an R move. One can think of this as an R move “taking the entire puzzle with it”.

Rotation Moves Like
x R
y U
z F
x' L
y' D
z' B

Note that this corresponds to the axes defined in standard 1.4.1.